Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Psychology Of Human Behavior - 2898 Words
Psychology, the study of human behavior, encompasses numerous realms and topics. From human development to drug abuse, psychologists strive to understand behavior and apply their findings. One such area that begets curiosity and research is the cognitive process that is memory. Memory is one of the most precious and crucial components of a person. Experiences shape a personality and create a person. Memories in the form of a witness’s testimony have the power to jail someone for life. However, are these memories reliable? The biological perspective in psychology is the study of the brain, genetics, hormones, and neurotransmitters and how these factors influence behavior. With respect to the biological level of analysis, the three principles that are encouraged are as follows: the use of animals in research is encouraged, behavior can be innate because it is genetically based, and there are biological correlates of behavior. When evaluating the reliability of memory, one can ta ke a biological approach, using the principles to design an experiment that would successfully investigate the biological correlates of the cognitive process. Martinez and Kesner is an example of such an experiment. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the role of acetylcholine on memory. Acetylcholine is one of the seven major neurotransmitters in the body. It is thought to influence muscle movement and memory as there are several links between a lack of the neurotransmitter andShow MoreRelatedPsychology of Human Behavior800 Words  | 4 PagesPsychology of Human Behavior ROUGH DRAFT Everybody responds and behaves differently to events based on their own personalities. Some people are morning people, god knows why, but they are. Whereas other people like to stay up later because they get more done at night. That behavior is one that is programed to you from birth. 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